1 Associate Professor Division of Environmental Science on Biosphere Institute of Agriculture
Name of applicant | Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
Business Content | see Attachment |
Scope of changes to business operations | Duties as Associate Professor |
Affiliation | Institute of Agriculture Division of Environmental Science on Biosphere (Concurrent post: Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences, Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Science etc.) |
Job Type | Associate Professor |
Employment status | Full-time employee (with term of office) |
trial period | In principle, for three months |
Contract period | Five years from the earliest possible date on or after July 1, 2025 |
Renewal of employment contract | Reappointment not permitted, but conversion to indefinite term possible upon review |
Place of work | Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology Fuchu Campus: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo 183-8509 Take the bus from JR Kokubunji Station or Keio Line Fuchu Station to "Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology" and walk for 3 minutes |
Scope of change in place of employment | Location determined by the university |
Working hours, break times, and overtime work | Discretionary work system (7 hours 45 minutes/day) (If you do not agree, the working hours will be 8:30-17:15 with overtime and a 60-minute break.) |
holiday | Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, May 31st, and December 29th to January 3rd |
vacation | Annual leave, special leave, sick leave |
Basic wage | 年俸制 月額基本給436,000円程度(博士課程修了後18年程度の経験年数を有する者の金額。学歴?経験年数による) その他、諸手当、業績給(ボーナス)の支給あり |
Various allowances | Commuting allowance, housing allowance, dependent allowance (all if the payment requirements set by the university are met) |
bonus | Yes |
Insurance | Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance, Employment Insurance, Mutual Aid Association, Employees' Pension Insurance |
Qualification requirements | see Attachment |
Application method | Please send your application documents in advance. After screening the documents, we will contact the candidates to schedule an interview date. Please note that application documents will not be returned. |
Application Deadline | Must arrive by Friday, April 4, 2020 |
Receptionist | Izumi Watanabe Division of Environmental Science on Biosphere Institute of Agriculture Saiwai-cho 3-5-8, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan |
contact address | E-mail: wataizumi〈at〉cc.jskrtf.com *Please replace 〈at〉 with @. Tel: 042-367-5736 |
Attachment: Application Guidelines