1 Associate Professor Division of Environmental Science on Biosphere Institute of Agriculture

Name of applicant Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Business Content see Attachment
Scope of changes to business operations Duties as Associate Professor
Affiliation Institute of Agriculture Division of Environmental Science on Biosphere
(Concurrent post: Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences, Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Science etc.)
Job Type Associate Professor
Employment status Full-time employee (with term of office)
trial period In principle, for three months
Contract period Five years from the earliest possible date on or after July 1, 2025
Renewal of employment contract Reappointment not permitted, but conversion to indefinite term possible upon review
Place of work Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology Fuchu Campus:
3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo 183-8509
Take the bus from JR Kokubunji Station or Keio Line Fuchu Station to "Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology" and walk for 3 minutes
Scope of change in place of employment Location determined by the university
Working hours, break times, and overtime work Discretionary work system (7 hours 45 minutes/day)
(If you do not agree, the working hours will be 8:30-17:15 with overtime and a 60-minute break.)
holiday Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, May 31st, and December 29th to January 3rd
vacation Annual leave, special leave, sick leave
Basic wage 年俸制 月額基本給436,000円程度(博士課程修了後18年程度の経験年数を有する者の金額。学歴?経験年数による)
Various allowances Commuting allowance, housing allowance, dependent allowance (all if the payment requirements set by the university are met)
bonus Yes
Insurance Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance, Employment Insurance, Mutual Aid Association, Employees' Pension Insurance
Qualification requirements see Attachment
Application method Please send your application documents in advance.
After screening the documents, we will contact the candidates to schedule an interview date.
Please note that application documents will not be returned.
Application Deadline Must arrive by Friday, April 4, 2020
Receptionist Izumi Watanabe Division of Environmental Science on Biosphere Institute of Agriculture Saiwai-cho 3-5-8, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
contact address E-mail: wataizumi〈at〉cc.jskrtf.com *Please replace 〈at〉 with @.
Tel: 042-367-5736

Attachment: Application Guidelines

