WELCOME to Katsuyuki Naoi's Home Page
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Katsuyuki NAOI
Associate professor
Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8588, JAPAN
Papers and Preprints
- Strong duality Data of type A and extended T-systems,
Transformation Groups (2024), 47 pages (Open Access),
- Equivalence between module categories over quiver Hecke algebras and Hernandez-Leclerc's categories in general types,
Advances in Mathematics 389 (2021) 107916, 47pages,
- Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for near adjoint nodes in exceptional types (joint work with Travis Scrimshaw),
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 225, issue 5 (2021) 106593, 38pages,
- Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type $G_2^{(1)}$ and $D_4^{(3)}$, Journal of Algebra 512 (2018), 47-65,
- Tensor products of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules and fusion products,
International Mathematics Research Notices 2017 (2017),
issue 18, 5667-5709, arXiv:1604.02577.
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations over the quantum loop algebra of type G_2 (joint work with Jian-Rong Li),
Algebras and Representation Theory 19 (2016), issue 4, 957-973,
- Defining relations of fusion products and Schur positivity, Toyama Mathmatical Journal 37 (2015),
87-106 (A special issue dedicated to Professor Jun Morita on the occasion of his 60th birthday),
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations in type D, SIGMA 10 (2014), 047,
20 pages (Contribution to the
Special issue on New Directions in Lie Theory),
- Demazure modules and graded limits of minimal affinizations, Representation Theory 17 (2013), 524-556, arXiv:1210.0175.
- Demazure crystals and tensor products of perfect Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals with various levels,
Journal of Algebra 374 (2013), 1-26,
- Fusion products of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules and the X=M conjecture, Advances in Mathematics 231 (2012), no. 3-4, 1546-1571,
- Loewy series of Weyl modules and the Poincaré polynomials of quiver varieties (joint work with Ryosuke Kodera),
Publications of RIMS 48 (2012), no. 3,
477-500, arXiv:1103.4207.
- Weyl modules, Demazure modules and finite crystals for non-simply laced type, Advances in Mathematics 229 (2012), no. 2, 875-934, arXiv:1012.5480.
- Multiloop Lie algebras and the construction of extended affine Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra 323 (2010), no. 8, 2103-2129, arXiv:0807.2019.
- On the construction of extended affine Lie algebras using finite order automorphisms, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B20 (2010), 21-30. (in Japanese)
- Generalization of the extended T-systems via strong duality data,
16th International Symposium on Natural Sciences, Incheon National University,
October 2024 (slides).
- On generalizations of extended T-systems in the category of finite-dimensional modules over a quantum loop algebra, Shinshu Algebra Seminar, Shinshu University,
May 2024.
- Strong duality data of type A and extended T-systems, Advances in Cluster Algebras 2024, Nagoya University,
March 2024 (slides).
- Strong duality data of type A and extended T-systems, Tokyo Tech Representation Theory Seminar, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
June 2023 (slides).
- Generalized quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality and categorical equivalence, 67th Algebra Symposium, RIMS,
August 2022 (slides).
- Equivalence between module categories over quiver Hecke algebras and Hernandez-Leclerc's subcategories,
Quantum Groups and Cluster Algebras, Online,
February 2022 (slides).
- Equivalence between module categories over quiver Hecke algebras and Hernandez-Leclerc's categories,
Conference on Algebraic Representation Theory 2021, Online,
November 2021 (slides).
- Equivalence via generalized quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality,
Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory 2021, Online, June 2021 (slides).
- Equivalence via generalized quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality, Minami Osaka algebra Seminar
, Online, March 2021 (slides).
- Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for the near adjoint nodes in exceptional types,
Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and
Quantum Groups -in honor of Professor Ariki's 60th birthday-, RIMS, October 2019 (slides).
- Existence of KR crystals in types $G_2^{(1)}$, $D_4^{(3)}$ and $E_6^{(1)}$, Algebraic Lie
Theory and Representation Theory 2018, Karuizawa, May 2018 (slides).
- Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type $G_2^{(1)}$ and $D_4^{(3)}$, Infinite
Analysis 17 -Algebraic and Combinatorial Aspects in Integrable Systems-,
Osaka City University, December 2017.
- Noncommutativity between operations of taking tensor product and classical limit of modules over $U_q(L\mathfrak{g})$, MSJ Spring Meeting 2017,
Tokyo Metropolitan University, March 2017 (slides).
- Finite-dimensional modules over a quantum loop algebra and their classical limits, TUAT Mathematical Seminar 2017,
University of Agriculture and Technology, March 2017 (slides).
- Noncommutativity between the operations of tensor product and taking a classical limit, Combinatorics of Lie Type, RIMS, October 2016.
- Noncommutativity between operations of tensor product and classical limit on modules over a quantum loop algebra, Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory 2016, Nagano, June 2016.
- Fusion products of current algebra and Schur positivity, Representation
theory, harmonic analysis and differential equation, RIMS, June 2015.
- Minimal affinizations and their graded limits, Representation theory and Related
Topics, Irako View Hotel, February 2015. (slides)
- Jacobi-Trudi formula and quantum loop algebras, Combinatorics Seminar,
Tohoku University, December 2014.
- Minimal affinizations and their graded limits, Shanghai Workshop on Representation Theory, Tongji University, December 2014.
- Minimal affinizations and their graded limits,
Conference on Cluster Algebras and Representation Theory , CMC, November 2014.
- Graded limits of finite-dimensional modules over quantum loop algebras,
Tsukuba Workshop on Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory and Related Topics -- History and Development --, University of Tsukuba, October 2014.
- Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of a quantum affine algebra and their classical limits, Symposium on Algebra, University of Tokyo,
September 2014.
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations,
Combinatorial representation theory, CRM, April 2014.
- An approach to the X=M conjecture using modules over a current algebra, Invited talk in Infinite Analysis session at Mathematical Society of Japan
Autumn Meeting 2013, Ehime University, September 2013. (slides)
- Finite-dimensional representations over a quantum loop algebra and their classical limits, GT Seminar, Kavli IPMU, May 2013.
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations over a quantum loop algebra, Mathematical Society of Japan Spring Meeting 2013, Kyoto University,
March 2013. (slides)
- An approach to the X=M conjecture using current algebras,
Bethe Ansatz, Quantum Groups and Beyond , RIMS, March 2013. (slides)
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations, Shanghai workshop on Representation Theory, Osaka University, December 2012.
- On minimal affinizations over a quantum affine algebra, Shinshu Algebra Seminar, Shinshu University, November 2012.
- On minimal affinizations over a quantum affine algebra of type BC, RIMS Representaion Theory Seminar, RIMS, November 2012.
- The X=M conjecture for a quantum affine algebra, MS Seminar,
Kavli IPMU, May 2012.
- Classical limits of minimal affinizations and generalized Demazure modules, 15th Conference on Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum
Groups, Nagano, May 2012. (slides)
- Loewy series of Weyl modules and the Poincare polynomials of quiver varieties, Lie Theory Seminar, University of California Riverside, February 2012.
- Generalized Demazure module and the restricted classical limit of a tensor product of KR modules, Lie Theory Seminar, University of California Riverside, February 2012.
- Demazure modules and the X=M conjecture, Shinshu Algebra Seminar, Shinshu University, October 2011.
- Demazure modules, Demazure crystals and the X=M conjecture,
Topics in Combinatorial Representation Theory, RIMS, October 2011. (slides)
- Relations among Weyl modules, Demazure modules and finite crystals, poster session in Infinite Analysis 11, University of Tokyo, July 2011. (poster)
- Demazure modules, Demazure crystals and the X=M conjecture, 14th Conference on Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups,
Kagawa, June 2011.
- On the relations among Weyl modules, Demazure modules and the crystal bases of tensor products of fundamental representations, Seminar in Institute of
Physics, University of Tokyo, April 2011.
- On the relations among Weyl modules, Demazure modules and the crystal bases of tensor products of fundamental representations, RIMS Representation
Theory Seminar, RIMS, April 2011.
- On the relations among Weyl modules, Demazure modules and the crystal bases of fundamental representations, Osaka Representation Theory Seminar,
Osaka, February 2011.
- On the relations among Weyl modules, Demazure modules and the crystal bases of fundamental representations, RAQ Seminar, Sophia University,
January 2011.
- Some relations between the Weyl module and the crystal basis of the tensor product of fundamental representations, Lie Groups and Representation Theory
Seminar, University of Tokyo, December 2010.
- On the relations among Weyl modules, Demazure modules and finite crystals, Symposium on Representation Theory 2010, Shizuoka, October 2010.
- Categorical approach for Weyl modules, after Chari-Fourier-Khandai,
MS Seminar,
IPMU, August 2009.
- On the representation theory of loop algebras and multiloop algebras, Workshop "Algebras, Groups, and Geometry 2009 in Tambara",
Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences, August 2009.
- Construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras,
New Viewpoints of Representation Theory and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis (RIMS Workshop), RIMS, September 2008.
- Construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras, Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar, University of Tokyo,
July 2008.
- Construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras, 11th Conference on Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups,
Okayama, May 2008.
Last updated on December, 18th, 2024.