Laboratory of terahertz science and devices
bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@ 知能情報システム工学科 張研究室
30. C. Li, Q. Liu, K. Uchida, H. Li, K. Hirakawa, and Y. Zhang (2024). Significant tuning of internal mode coupling in doubly clamped MEMS beam resonators by thermal effect. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.00506.?
29. Q. Liu, M. Iimori, C. Li, and Y. Zhang, “Visualization of Vibration In MEMS Resonators Using Stroboscopic Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy with Enhanced Temporal Resolution,” in 2024 IEEE 37th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Jan. 2024, pp. 584–587.?
28. Yiran Zhao, Ziping Li, Xuhong Ma, Kang Zhou, Wen Guan, Chenjie Wang, Shumin Wu, Han Liu, Wenjian Wan, J. C. Cao, Ya Zhang, Heping Zeng, and Hua Li, Stabilized Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Dual-Comb Sources with a Hybrid Locking, ACS Photonics 2024 11 (2), 520-528
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01379
27. ???????C. Li, Y. Zhang, and K. Hirakawa. ◎Terahertz detectors using microelectromechanical system resonators. Sensors 23(13), 5938. 2023年7月
26. C. Li, B.Q. Qiu, Y. Yoshioka, K. Hirakawa, and Y. Zhang. ◎Mechanical control of nonlinearity in doubly clamped MEMS beam resonators using preloaded lattice-mismatch strain. Physical Review Applied, 19, 024025. 2023年2月??
Posted by Ya Zhang on 2022年7月19日
25. Yamamoto, Ryoko, Akira Kojima, Nobuyoshi Koshida, Isao Morohashi, Kazuhiko Hirakawa, and Ya Zhang. "Thermal and Optical Properties of Porous Nanomesh Structures for Sensitive Terahertz Bolometric Detection." Sensors 22, 5109.(2022).
24. I. Mirai, and Y. Zhang, Two-dimensional measurement of resonance in MEMS resonators using stroboscopic differential interference contrast microscopy, Optics Express 30, 26072-26081(2022).
Posted by Ya Zhang on 2021年12月31日
23. Zhang, Ya, Shaoqing Du, and Kazuhiko Hirakawa. "Deep-nanometer-scale terahertz spectroscopy using a transistor geometry with metal nanogap electrodes." Light: Advanced Manufacturing 2.4 (2021): 460-472.
22. Y. Zhang, Y. Yoshioka, M. Iimori, B. Qiu, X. Liu, and K. Hirakawa,“Thermal tuning of mechanical nonlinearity in GaAs doubly-clamped MEMS beam resonators”, Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 119, pp. 163503(2021).
21. B. Qiu, Y. Zhang, N. Nagai, and K. Hirakawa,“Enhancing the thermal responsivity of microelectromechanical system beam resonators by preloading a critical buckling strain”, Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 119, pp. 153502 (2021).
20. T. Niu, N. Morais, B. Qiu, N. Nagai, Y. Zhang, Y. Arakawa, and K. Hirakawa,“GaAs-based microelectromechanical terahertz bolometers fabricated on high-resistivity Si substrates using wafer bonding technique”, Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 119, pp. 041104 (2021).
19 Y. Zhang, Y. Yoshioka, I. Morohashi and X. Liu, 1:1 internal mode coupling strength in GaAs doubly-clamped MEMS beam resonators with linear and nonlinear oscillations. Applied Physics Express, 14, 014001(2021).
Posted by Ya Zhang on 2021年2月15日
18 B. Qiu, Y. Zhang, K. Akahane, N. Nagai, and K. Hirakawa, Effect of beam deflection on the thermal responsivity of GaAs-based doubly clamped microelectromechanical beam resonators, Applied Physics Letters, 117, 203503 (2020).
17 T. Niu, B. Qiu, Y. Zhang, and K. Hirakawa, Control of absorption properties of ultra-thin metal-insulator-metal metamaterial terahertz absorbers, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 59 120904(2020).
15.Shaoqing Du, Ya Zhang, Kenji Yoshida and Kazuhiko Hirakawa, Ultrafast rattling motion of a single atom in a fullerene cage sensed by terahertz spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Express 13 105002 (2020)
14. Ya Zhang, Ryoka Kondo, Boqi Qiu, Xin Liu, Kazuhiko Hirakawa, Giant enhancement in the thermal responsivity of microelectromechanical resonators by internal mode coupling. Physical Review Applied 14, 014019 (2020)
13. Morohashi, I., Zhang, Y., Qiu, B. et al. Rapid Scan THz Imaging Using MEMS Bolometers. J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves (2020).
Posted by Ya Zhang on 2018年5月31日
12. Y Zhang, B Qiu, N Nagai, M Nomura, S Volz, K Hirakawa, Enhanced thermal sensitivity of MEMS bolometers integrated with nanometer-scale hole array structures, AIP Advances 9 (8), 085102.
11. Y. Zhang, S. Hosono, N. Nagai, S.H. Song, and K. Hirakawa, Fast and sensitive bolometric terahertz detection at room temperature through thermomechanical transduction, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 151602 (2019);
10. 平川一彦、張 亜, MEMS共振器を用いた室温動作?高速?高感度テラヘルツボロメータの開発, 次世代センサー 28(2) 2019年1月 (Invited)
Posted by Ya Zhang on 2018年5月31日
9. S. Q. Du, K. Yoshida, Y. Zhang, Y. Hamada, and K. Hirakawa. Terahertz dynamics of electron-vibron coupling in single molecules with tunable electrostatic potential. Nature Photonics 14(2018).DOI:
Posted by Ya Zhang on 2018年5月31日
8. S. Du, Y. Zhang, K. Yoshida, Y. Hamada, and K. Hirakawa. Terahertz spectroscopy of a single atom in a fullerene cage. IEEE conference proceedings (IRMMW-THz 2017). 2017年8月.
7. Y. Zhang, S. Hosono, N. Nagai, and K. Hirakawa, Effect of buckling on the thermal response of microelectromechanical beam resonators. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 023504. 2017年7月.
Posted by Ya Zhang on 2018年5月31日
6. Y. Zhang, Y. Watanabe, S. Hosono, N. Nagai, and K. Hirakawa, Room temperature, very sensitive bolometer using a doubly clamped microelectromechanical beam resonator, IEEE conference proceedings (IRMMW-THz 2016). 2016年12月.
5. Y. Zhang, K. Shibata, N. Nagai, C. Ndebeka-Bandou, G. Bastard, and K. Hirakawa, Excited-state charging energies in quantum dots investigated by terahertz photocurrent spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 93, 235313. 2016年6月.
4. Y. Zhang, Y. Watanabe, S. Hosono, N. Nagai, and K. Hirakawa, Room temperature, very sensitive thermometer using a doubly clamped microelectromechanical beam resonator for bolometer applications, Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, 163503. 2016年2月.
Posted by Ya Zhang on 2018年5月31日
3. Y. Zhang, K. Shibata, N. Nagai, C. Ndebeka-Bandou, G. Bastard, and K. Hirakawa, Gate-controlled terahertz single electron photovoltaic effect in self-assembled InAs quantum dots, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 103103. 2015年9月.
2. Y. Zhang, K. Shibata, N. Nagai, C. Ndebeka-Bandou, G. Bastard, and K. Hirakawa, Probing many-body quantum states in single InAs quantum dots: Terahertz and tunneling spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid communication, 91, 241301. 2015年6月.
1.Y. Zhang, K. Shibata, N. Nagai, C. Ndebeka-Bandou, G. Bastard, and K. Hirakawa, Terahertz intersublevel transitions in single self-assembled InAs quantum dots with variable electron numbers, Nano Lett. 15 (2), pp. 1166 -1170. 2015年1月.