Photos in 2023


20231222 Sports activity2

20231222 Sports activity1

20231214 Ecologgie Inc. farm1

20231213 Cambodian street stall1

20231212_BASE Year-end Music Festival2

20231212_BASE Year-end Music Festival1

20231201_Laboratory members (only those attending on the day)

20231122 Social gathering at Mt. Takao

20231113_Cultural Festival Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology3

20231110_Cultural Festival Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology2

20231110_Cultural Festival Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology1

20231028 Edible insects

20231027_Vallyball match2!!

20231027_Vallyball match1!!

20231025 Sports activit

20231017 Opera symposium

20231014 Presentations to researcher from India 4

20231014 Presentations to researcher from India 3

20231014 Presentations to researcher from India 2

20231012 Presentations to researcher from India 1

20231006 Company tour

20231005 table tennis2

20231005 table tennis1 

20230923 The Acarological Society of Japan3

20230923 The Acarological Society of Japan2

20230923 The Acarological Society of Japan

20230914 Takeda kun 13th Spider Mite Genome Meeting @Logrono, La Rioja, Spain

20230819 Free research Food chain_自由研究:食物連鎖について

20230802 N-TrAMS internatinal conference

20230711 From Embassy of Egypt in Japan, Cultural Attaché Prof. Dr. Shahinda Ezzat and Deputy Chief Karim Moukhtar visited us.
駐日エジプト大使館より、文化アタッシェのシャヒンダ エザット(Prof. Dr. Shahinda Ezzat)さんと、次席のカリム モクタール(Karim Moukhtar)さんが来室

20230604 BBQ at koganei park

20230601 Our Lab team gave some lecturs to junio-high school students at Minamitama.

20230525 Happy birthday to Suzuki Sensei!!







20230419 we decided to make this place a field?
ここを圃場とする! ~圃場への道~




20230327 卒業祝賀会 
Graduation celebration party



20230324 表彰式!
Award ceremony!! Congratulations!!




20230324 卒業式!
Graduation ceremony

20230304 研究室の仲間でスキー旅行
Ski trip with lab mates


20230210 卒論発表会
Graduation thesis presentation

20230210 卒論発表会
Graduation thesis presentation
