日本陸水学会第85回大会The 85th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Limnology



General information for JSLIM84 annual meeting


September 20 (Monday) - 22 (Wednesday), 2021


September 20 (Monday): Symposium, Poster session, Poster session (young students)

September 21 (Tuesday): Organized sessions, General sessions, General assembly, Awards ceremony

September 22 (Wednesday): Organized sessions, General sessions, online-Banquet

Important notice
Please note that participants need to complete the pre-registration as well as payments by August 23 to get the early-bird discount for attendance. Among participants who have pre-registered for the conference, those who completed the payments on August 24 or after will be charged standard fees by September 17.


?Oral presentation: [Zoom]
?Organized presentation: [Zoom]
?Poster presentation: [LINC Biz]
?Symposium: [Zoom]
?online-Bauquet: [oVice]
?Break room: [oVice]

Important dates

All deadlines are in Japan time.

Contents Deadlines for the applications
Pre-registration for attendance and banquet June 21 (Monday) – August 23 (Monday): Pre-registration
August 24 (Saturday) – September 17 (Friday) : Standard registration

Please proceed pre-registration for attendance, from the registration page .The form for the pre-registration is availeble only in Japanese. Please ask your Japnese colleague to help your registration.
General sessions and poster sessions Application for presentation June 21 (Monday) – July 23 (Friday) July 25 (Sunday)
The pre-registration form available in the registration page is also used as the presentation application form.
We're sorry that the form is written in Japanese. Please ask your Japnese colleague to help your registration.
Submission of abstracts August 10 (Tuesday) – August 23 (Monday)
Please submit your abstract from the abstract submission page.Abstract form is availeble from the above website. Please ask your Japnese colleague to help your abstract submission.
Organized sessions    Proposal for organized sessions The topics accepted as organized session are announced in the workshop information page.
Application by presenters June 24 (Monday) – July 23 (Friday) July 25 (Sunday)
Presenters who wish to present at the organized session need to contact the combiner directly by e-mail. After the application is accepte, please apply from the registration page in the same way as for general sessions.
Submission of list of presentations This process is conducted by session conveners.
Submission of abstracts August 10 (Tuesday) – August 23 (Monday)
Please submit your abstract from the abstract submission page.Abstract form is availeble from the above website. Please ask your Japnese colleague to help your abstract submission.
Proposal for workshops (evening sessions) May 24 (Monday) – July 23 (Friday) July 25 (Sunday)
Conveners need to submit the proposal for workshopsvia e-mail to JSLIM84 local organizing committee (rikusui85@gmail.com). Accepted topics will be announced in the workshop information page.