Riku Tomabechi, Ryusei Taniguchi, Haruka Kato, Jungwan Cho, Takuma Hori
"Phonon mean free path analysis in polycrystalline nanostructured thin films"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 239, 126502 (2025).Riku Tomabechi, Ryuei Taniguchi, Takuma Hori
"Grain shape dependent thermal conductivity of polycrystalline nanostructure"
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 28, 165 (2024).Jongwon Baek, Junyoung Bae, Takuma Hori, Jungwan Cho
"Anisotropic and inhomogeneous thermal conductivity of sub-micrometer polycrystalline diamond thin films: A Monte Carlo ray tracing simulation study"
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 156, 107683 (2024).Ryuei Taniguchi, Riku Tomabechi, Takuma Hori
"Efficient heuristic approach for minimization of phonon mean free path in large-area nanostructured thin films"
AIP Advances, 14, 045332 (2024).Takuma Hori
"Semi-analytical prediction of phonon mean free path utilizing stochastic behavior at nanostructure interfaces"
Applied Physics Express, 15, 125002 (2022).Takuma Hori, Chris Dames
"Analytical Models for Phonon Mean Free Path in Polycrystalline Nanostructures Based on Mean Square Displacement"
Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 135104 (2022).Cheng Shao, Takuma Hori, Junichiro Shiomi
"P-TRANS: A Monte Carlo ray-tracing software to simulate phonon transport in arbitrary nanostructuresnanostructures"
Computer Physics Communications, 276, 108361 (2022).Hayato Nagaya, JunHee Cho, Takuma Hori
"Thermal conductivity of single-walled carbon nanotubes under torsional deformation"
Journal of Applied Physics, 130, 215106 (2021).Takuma Hori
"Structural optimization of silicon thin film for thermoelectric materials"
Scientific Reports, 11, 22648 (2021).Takafumi Oyake, Lei Feng, Makoto Kashiwagi, Takuma Shiga, Takuma Hori, Shuto Yamasaka, Yoshiaki Nakamura, Junichiro Shiomi
"Synergistic phonon scattering in epitaxial silicon multilayers with germanium-nanodot inclusions"
Physical Review B, 5, 054301 (2021).Kazuna Horiuchi, Hotaka Kobayashi, Shu Miyashita, Takuma Hori, Ichiro Ueno
"Spatial‐temporal thermal‐fluid behaviors of microbubble emission boiling (MEB)"
AIChE Journal, 67, e17193 (2021).Kota Yoshihara, Yo Kamei, Atsuki Mizuno, Haruka Ohgaki, Takuma Hori, Ichiro Ueno
"Effect of wettability on viscous fluid impregnation in single-layer woven-fibre bundles driven by pressure difference"
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 138, 106049 (2020).Takuma Hori
"Role of geometry and surface roughness in reducing phonon mean free path and lattice thermal conductivity of modulated nanowires"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 156, 119818 (2020).Toshihiro Kaneko, Yuta Yoshimoto, Takuma Hori, Shu Takagi, Junpei Ooyama, Takeshi Terao, Ikuya Kinefuchi
"Relation between oxygen gas diffusivity and porous characteristics under capillary condensation of water in cathode catalyst layers of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 150, 119277 (2020).Hayate Nakamura, Tetsuya Ogawa, Motochika Inoue, Takuma Hori, Lizhong Mu, Harunori Yoshikawa, Farzam Zoueshtiagh, Georg Dietze, Takahiro Tsukahara, Ichiro Ueno
"Pumping effect of heterogeneous meniscus formed around spherical particle"
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 562, 133 (2020).Takuma Hori
"Verification of the phonon relaxation time approximation by probing the relaxation process of a single excited mode"
Physical Review B, 100, 214116?(2019).Takeru Oba, Aro Toyama, Takuma Hori, Ichiro Ueno
"Experimental study on behaviors of low-Stokes number particles in weakly-chaotic structures induced by thermocapillary effect within a closed system with a free surface"
Physical Review Fluids, 4, 104002 (2019).Kengo Yamaguchi, Takuma Hori, Ichiro Ueno
"Long-term behaviors of a single particle forming a coherent structure in thermocapillary-driven convection in half-zone liquid bridge of high Prandtl number fluid"
International Journal of Microgravity Science and Application, 36, 360203 (2019).Yuta Yoshimoto, Koichi Isomura, Sou Sugiyama, Hua An, Takuma Hori, Taiki Inoue, Shohei Chiashi, Shu Takagi,Ikuya Kinefuchi,and Shigeo Maruyam
"In situ observation of dewetting-induced deformation of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes"
Diamond and Related Materials, 95, 115 (2019).Masataka Nakauchi, Takuya Mabuchi, Yuta Yoshimoto, Takuma Hori, Ikuya Kinefuchi, Hideki Takeuchi, Takashi Tokumasu
"A Molecular Dynamics Study of Oxygen Scattering Behavior on Perfluorosulfonic Acid Ionomer Thin Films"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 7125 (2019).Toru Ogasawara, Kosuke Motegi, Takuma Hori, Ichiro Ueno
"Secondary instability induced by thermocapillary effect in half-zone liquid bridge of high Prandtl number fluid"
Mechanical Engineering Letters, 5, p. 19-00014 (2019).Takuma Hori, Junichiro Shiomi
"Tuning phonon transport spectrum for better thermoelectric materials"
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials?, 20, 10 (2019).Jeremie Maire, Roman Anufriev, Takuma Hori, Junichiro Shiomi, Sebastian Volz, Masahiro Nomura
"Thermal conductivity reduction in silicon fishbone nanowires"
Scientific Reports, 8, 4452 (2018).Takuma Hori, Takafumi Kamino, Yuta Yoshimoto, Shu Takagi, Ikuya Kinefuchi
"Mutual influence of molecular diffusions in gas and surface phases"
Physical Review E, 97, 013101 (2018).Yuta Yoshimoto, Takuma Hori, Ikuya Kinefuchi, Shu Takagi
"Effect of capillary condensation on gas transport properties in porous media"
Physical Review E, 96, 043112 (2017).Anuj Arora, Takuma Hori, Takuma Shiga, Junichiro Shiomi
"Thermal rectification in restructured graphene with locally modulated temperature dependence of thermal conductivity"
Physical Review B, 96, 165419 (2017).Junki Nakagawa, Yuta Kage, Takuma Hori, Junichiro Shiomi, Masahiro Nomura
"Crystal structure dependent thermal conductivity in two-dimensional phononic crystal nanostructures"
Applied Physics Letters, 107, 023104 (2015).Masahiro Nomura, Yuta Kage, Junki Nakagawa, Takuma Hori, Jeremie Maire, Junichiro Shiomi, Dominik Moser, Oliver Paul
"Impeded thermal transport in Si multiscale hierarchical architectures with phononic crystal nanostructures"
Physical Review B, 91, 205422 (2015).Takuma Hori, Junichiro Shiomi, Chris Dames
"Effective phonon mean free path in polycrystalline nanostructures"
Applied Physics Letters, 106, 171901 (2015).Masanori Sakata, Takuma Hori, Takafumi Oyake, Jeremie Maire, Masahiro Nomura, Junichiro Shiomi
"Tuning thermal conductance across sintered silicon interface by local nanostructures"
Nano Energy, 13, 601 (2015).Yoshiaki Nakamura, Masayuki Isogawa, Tomohiro Ueda, Shuto Yamasaka, Hideki Matsui, Jun Kikkawa, Satoaki Ikeuchi, Takafumi Oyake, Takuma Hori, Junichiro Shiomi, Akira Sakai
"Anomalous reduction of thermal conductivity in coherent nanocrystal architecture for silicon thermoelectric material"
Nano Energy, 12, 845 (2015).Takuru Murakami, Takuma Hori, Takuma Shiga, Junichiro Shiomi
"Probing and tuning inelastic phonon conduction across finite-length interface"
Applied Physics Express, 7, 121801 (2014).Takuma Shiga, Takuru Murakami, Takuma Hori, Olivier Delaire, Junichiro Shiomi
"Origin of anomalous anharmonic lattice dynamics of lead telluride"
Applied Physics Express, 7, 041801 (2014).Takuma Shiga, Takuma Hori, Junichiro Shiomi
"Influence of mass contrast in alloy phonon scattering"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53, 021802 (2014).Takuma Hori, Gang Chen, Junichiro Shiomi
"Thermal conductivity of bulk nanostructured lead telluride"
Applied Physics Letters, 104, 021915 (2014).Sho Hida, Takuma Hori, Takuma Shiga, James Elliott, Junichiro Shiomi
"Thermal resistance and phonon scattering at the interface between carbon nanotube and amorphous polyethylene"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 67, 1024 (2013).Takuru Murakami, Takuma Shiga, Takuma Hori, Keivan Esfarjani, Junichiro Shiomi
"Importance of local force fields on lattice thermal conductivity reduction in PbTe1-xSex alloys"
Europhysics Letters, 102, 46002 (2013).Takuma Hori, Takuma Shiga, Junichiro Shiomi
"Phonon transport analysis of silicon germanium alloys using molecular dynamics simulations"
Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 203514 (2013).
Review and miscellaneous articles
Renkun Chen,Chuanhua Duan, Takuma Hori, Wei-Lun Hsu, Yongjie Hu, Takafumi Ishibe, Gota Kikugawa, Yaerim Lee, Amy Marconnet, Austin J. Minnich, Masato Ohnishi, Andrea Pickel, Junichiro Shiomi, Surblys Donatas, Ryosuke Takehara, Richard Wilson, Yoonjin Won, Mona Zebarjadi, Yangjing Zhu
"Report on the Tenth U.S.-Japan Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phenomena"
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 28, 176 (2024).堀 琢磨
日本機械学会熱工学部門ニュースレター, 104 (2024).堀 琢磨,塩見 淳一郎
日本熱電学会誌, 14, 17 (2017).堀 琢磨,塩見 淳一郎
粉体および粉末冶金, 62, 169 (2015).
Paper in Japanese
木原 玄悟, 吉本 勇太, 堀 琢磨, 高木 周, 杵淵 郁也
日本機械学会論文集, 84, 18.00193, (2018).石川 桂, 千足 昇平, Saifullar Badar, Theerapol Thurakitseree, 堀 琢磨, Rong Xiang, 渡辺 誠, 塩見 淳一郎, 丸山 茂夫
日本機械学会論文集(B編), 79, 185 (2013).堀 琢磨, 志賀 拓麿, 丸山 茂夫, 塩見 淳一郎
日本機械学会論文集(B編), 78, 328 (2012).
堀 琢磨
計算科学を活用した熱電変換材料の研究開発動向, CMCリサーチ, (2022).