
FOLENS Seminar: What is FOLENS?/ What should we do in FOLENS Seminars 2010?

FOLENS holds a series of monthly seminars where FOLENS students and staff get together to exchange views and opinions while having valuable experiences outside the official classes to become a good environmental leader in the future.

The first FOLENS Seminar was held on 9 June 2010 at 15:00-17:00 in Fuchu Campus. Thirteen students and six staff members attended. After icebreaking activities, they discussed necessary qualities and skills for a field-oriented environmental leader. They also exchanged ideas for this year’s seminar programs to gain such qualities and skills. The discussion was facilitated in a casual workshop format.

The finding as a result was that the major needs of FOLENS students are in "having various hands-on experiences" and "developing communication skills". Focusing on these two needs, in a follow-up meeting on 16 June, the FOLENS Seminar program for 2010 has been tentatively designed as below. A report of each seminar will be uploaded to this website. (23 June 2010; SN)

FOLENS Seminar 2010: Tentative Program

Field Visit: Field Museum Tama Hills – Working out What the "Environment" and "Field" Mean to Us
- Talk by Prof. Hara and Group Discussion
- Guided Walk in FM Tama Hills

Aug Summer Break
Sept Preparatory Session: COP10/Convention on Biological Diversity
Oct Two-day Field Trip: COP10/Convention on Biological Diversity, Nagoya

Follow-up Session: COP10/Convention on Biological Diversity
Preparatory Session: Charcoal for the Sustainable Environment

Dec Field Visit: Charcoal Making Workshop

Follow-up Session: Charcoal for the Sustainable Environment
Preparatory Session: Waste Management Issues and Technology

Feb Two-day Field Trip: Waste Management Plant

Follow-up Session: Waste Management Issues and Technology
Closing Session for 2010

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