
Invitation to FOLENS Students (FOLENS Seminar Related Activities): Yokosuka, Kamakura and Hakone Field T

FOLENS students are invited to attend the following program.? Interested students should contact FOLENS Head Office.

FOLENS Seminar Related Activities: Yokosuka, Kamakura and Hakone Field Trip
(Affiliated program with Department of International Environmental Agricultural Sciences)
Date: 28 October to 29 October, 2010
Fee: 7,000 yen for dinner, accommodation, and transportation


We will visit Yokosuka, Kamakura and Hakone areas to learn the tidal-coast environment, history of Japan, and volcanoes and use of its resources.
28 October 7:45 Meet at Fuchu Campus
  8:00 Departure from Fuchu Campus
10:00-12:45 Port and Airport Research Institute, Yokosuka
13:15-14:15 Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Kamakura
17:00 Atami for Stay
29 October 9:00 Departure at Atami
9:30-9:50 Jukkoku pass
10:40-11:30 Oowaku valley, Hakone
12:10-14:40 Gotenba footslope of Mt.Fuji
17:30 Arrival at Fuchu Campus


Port and Airport Research Institute, Yokosuka
Tidal flats are now recognized as a valuable ecosystem due to their abundance and unique flora and fauna. In order to maintain such valuable ecosystem, geomorphic processes in tidal flats by wave and currents are required to be understood. We will learn such geomorphic researches of the institution.

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu (Shrine), Kamakura
It was build by Minamoto Yoritomo, who is the founder of Kamakura era, and dedicated to Hachiman, the Shinto god of war who served as the clan deity of the Minamoto family. Kamakura was selected by Minamoto family, because it was easy to defend the village enclosed on three sides by wooded hills and on the fourth by the sea. We will learn history and geography of Kamakura.

Oowaku valley, Hakone
Present active volcanic activities are observed on the trails along the valley. We will learn volcanic geology of Hakone area and use of volcanic resources.

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