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FOLENS E-News No.10/ 15 January 201
Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


  • 2.Report
    -International Symposium
    -Presentation Skill Training
    -Green Technology Practice
    -Overseas Field Training with the supervisor (Thematic research type)
    -Post-Field Reporting Seminar and Case-Study Workshop
    -FOLENS Seminar November
    -FOLENS Seminar December
    -FOLENS Farm Activities
    - Internship
  • 3.New Year's Greetings from Prof.Takada

---------------------------------------------------------------------Happy New Year 2013 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------


9,16,23,30 Green Technology Practice
15 FOLENS Seminar
30: Post Field Reporting Seminar and Case Study Workshop
TBD:Post-Field Reporting Seminar
TBD: FOLENS Graduation Ceremony
For the Annual Schedule,
click the link→


T- International Symposium
The 4th FOLENS international symposium was held at Fuchu campus on November 29, 2012. The objective of the symposium was to explore the way to develop field oriented mind and skill sets at university education by clarifying the requirement and expectation towards global environmental human resource who can actually contribute to the field. Read More?

-Presentation Skill Training
Presentation Skill Training was held as one of the regular event in the series of The 4th International Symposium of FOLENS, on the next day of the symposium (Nov. 30, 2012). The posters were displayed at the 1st floor hall in building No.2 in Fuchu. And 19 was by Master Program students and 10 was by Doctoral Program students. An active discussion was made. We thank Professors from E&R bases and other participants for their kind and great suggestion to us. (HO)
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-Green Technology Practice
Kenichi YONEDA, Ph.D. Associate Professor of FOLENS We are practicing improvement of waste management in Asian countries in the 2nd term domestic training“Green Technology Practice”as follows, 1.I explained the situation of waste management in Asia. 2.I took the students to the CESS (Center of Environmental Science in Saitama) to discuss with their staff about the improvement of Asian countries landfill. 3.I took the students to the Yorii landfill, Saitama and PRB (Permeable Reactive Barrier) test facility and there we sampled soil and leachate for the test in TUAT. 4.We will practice COD and heavy metal removal column test, the students will check their countries waste management and we will discuss about the future waste management in Asia.

-Overseas Field Training with the supervisor (Thematic research type) Overseas Field Training of thematic research type; 3 trips were conducted in Malaysia, Thailand and South Africa. Reports from participants are shown.

?Piyanuch Jaikaew:
Investigation of herbicide usage and consequent contamination in upland soil and surface water in Petchaburi Province of Thailand.This study investigates an environmental impact which is influenced by herbicide used in agricultural land. The major focus is on the increase of herbicide usage and consequent contamination in surface water and soil in Petchaburi Province of Thailand. Read More?
?Gen Masao:

Assembly of a particle collection system with high mobility to understand atmospheric particles in Malaysia. I visited Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in Malaysia for 39 days. The purpose of this field training was to assemble a particle collection system and collect particle suspended in the gas phase. The assembled collectors (totally 3 collectors) were placed in UPM campus for long-term experiments (more than 30 days) and near highway for short-term experiments (1 day). Read More?
?Ito Maki :
Sediment core sampling in South Arica The objective of this training was to collect sediment cores in Durban, South Africa, to investigate marine pollution by persistent organic pollutants (POPs). We worked in scientific collaborations with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Durban, South Africa. Sediment core samples were collected successfully with the CSIR members. Read More?

-Post-Field Reporting Seminar and Case-Study Workshop
Contents and achievements of overseas field training and internship were presented and discussions were made on 13th and 20th, December 2012. Presenters are expected to speak carefully because audiences are from variety of specialty. Therefore the talk could partially differ from Bachelor thesis or Master thesis presentation, which generally stands on specific view. That is this seminar aims; to develop skill sets to be significant players in environmental sectors; i.e., Field-Oriented Leaders in Environmental Sectors. Read More?

-FOLENS Seminar November:
ife and Agriculture after Tohoku Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster In the seminar on 19 November, information on the radiation contamination and its impact on local communities and agriculture was shared as preparation for the Fukushima visit in December. Read More?

-FOLENS Seminar December:Fukushima Visit - Life and Agriculture after Tohoku Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
We visited Fukushima on 17-18 December, aiming to 1) learn from the current situation of people’s lives and agriculture, and the various actions being taken in local communities; and 2) deepen thoughts on how issues in Fukushima, students' own communities, and the world, are connected, how such issues and their own specialty fields can be connected, and what action they can actually take. Read More?

- FOLENS Farm Activities - Sustainable Community Development and Urban Agriculture
FOLENS has launched farming activities for its students and faculty in March 2012. At the "FOLENS Farm", we have grown vegetables, flowers, buckwheat without no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Read More?

Kazuhiro Aoi: Bach Ma National Park and Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry - The strategy of saving farming resources in rice cultivation in small-scale (Central Vietnam) and large-scale field (Mekong Delta) Read More?

3.New Year's Greetings from Prof. Hideshige Takada, Director, FOLENS

“A rolling stone gathers no moss”
I hope that you’ve made smooth start in 2013 after pleasant New Year holidays. During the holidays, I went to several shrines and temples to take ”five” written oracles, as usual, though I do not believe them.I always take five oracles and take median to get representative value, as our protocol of International Pellet Watch ( First four oracles were two of extreme happiness, moderate happiness, and happiness. These four trials mean that median would be moderate happiness or more. I did not have to take the last oracle. However, on Jan. 6th (Sun), I went to Jindai temple to take the fifth written oracle. It was “unluckiness”. In any way, the median is“moderate happiness” and I do not have to consider “unluckiness”. However, the point is writing on the unlucky oracle. They said that my situation is something like degraded conditions in stagnant waters and I should work actively to utilize my talent. This means that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Our FOLENS program has been establishing various activities during last 4 years and we know the routine protocols. However, to grow our program more fruitfully and to connect ourselves to future related program, we should always develop new activities. I hope that we should be rolling stones which gather no moss in 2013.

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Education Program for Field-Oriented Leaders in
Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa (FOLENS)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)

Contact (Head Office)
Address: 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5580/5581
Fax: +81-42-367-5581
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