Curriculum | OverseasTraining/Internship
The FOLENS program offers two sets of subjects “Overseas Field Training and Post-field Reporting Seminar” and “Internship and Case Study Workshop” as an opportunity for students to gain practical experience at a real site of environmental issues. FOLENS students select either one of these subject sets. However, all the FOLENS students are encouraged to participate in both the Post-field Reporting Seminar and Case Study Workshop regardless which subject set they register.
Overseas Field Training and Post-Field Reporting SeminarTo Syllabus
Overseas Field Training provides students with an opportunity to conduct field surveys in Asia and Africa to acquire the field-oriented mind and skill sets that are essential for competent environmental leaders.

After returning from the Overseas Field Training, students will gather at the Post-field Reporting Seminar to exchange and compare the information and knowledge acquired at different sites. Through discussion, they will identify issues common to Asia and Africa as well as issues specific to each site.

Internship and Case Study WorkshopTo Syllabus
After returning from the Overseas Field Training, students will gather at the Post-field Reporting Seminar to exchange and compare the information and knowledge acquired at different sites. Through discussion, they will identify issues common to Asia and Africa as well as issues specific to each site.

After completing their Internships, students gather at the Case Study Workshop to participate in a simulated policy-development session that is designed to solve a specific environmental issue located at a particular site in Asia or Africa. Experts from internship host organizations will also join these discussions as advisors.