Coronavirus: Information & Precautions

April 4, 2023


Reporting to TUAT
(taking a COVID-19 test / identified as a close contact of a COVID-19, etc.)

(IMPORTANT) If you have taken/will be taking a COVID-19 test such as PCR test, antigen testing, etc., OR have been identified as a close contact of a COVID-19 case, OR have been confirmed with COVID-19, please carefully read the instruction below and immediately report to the University.

Notice/Code of Conduct

Notice/Code of Conduct

Notice (Measures in Response to COVID-19) (Apr-04) NEW!

Notice (Measures in Response to COVID-19) (Mar-23)?

Notice (Measures to Be Taken for Students (Jun-27) [2022.6.29update]

Request for action not to spread the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) (Jul-26) [2021.7.26update]

Code of Conduct

 We expect all students to keep the above-mentioned guidelines in mind and act upon them.


To new students(undergraduates)

To?current students (undergraduates/graduates)?

2020 Schedule(Lecture etc.)
Student support systems

Information by Faculty and Graduate School(Schedule of Online Education etc.)

Faculty of?Agriculture 2020.5.11update

Graduate School of?Agriculture 2020.5.11update

Faculty of Engineering ?2022.1.20update

Graduate School of Engineering ?2022.1.20update

Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering  2020.4.23update

To TUAT students who have traveled abroad or plan to travel abroad/ To Prospective International Students?

Regarding Cash Handout to All Residents of Japan based on Japanese Government’s “Emergency Economic Measures for Response to COVID-19”

Event schedule

Ceremonies, lectures, orientations, etc.

Official Information

Concerning the Coronavirus
