bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@工学部 化学物理工学科寺田?利谷研究室

bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@工学部、化学物理工学科、寺田?利谷研究室(旧 細見?寺田研究室)の取り扱う専門分野は「 環境化学工学」「環境バイオエンジニアリング」「生態工学」です。 専門分野の柱となる環境?ケミカル?バイオと化学工学を融合した多角的なアプローチにより、環境?エネルギー問題に対して最善の解決策となる技術開発を目指し、研究を進めています。




  1. Particulate organic carbon potentially increases methane emissions from oxic water of eutrophic lakes

    Science of The Total Environment 889 () 164339
  2. Preparation of a poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid)-grafted polyurethane sponge using atmospheric pressure plasma-induced graft polymerization and its catalytic properties for the acetalization of glycerol to solketal

    Reactive and Functional Polymers () 105697
  3. Nitrate removal in iron sulfide-driven autotrophic denitrification biofilter: Biochemical and chemical transformation pathways and its underlying microbial mechanism

    Science of The Total Environment () 165908
  4. Membrane fouling during nutrient recovery from digestate using electrodialysis: Impacts of the molecular size of dissolved organic matter

    Journal of Membrane Science () 121974
  5. Space-for-time substitution leads to carbon emission overestimation in eutrophic lakes

    Environmental Research 219 () 115175
  6. Microaerophilic activated sludge system for ammonia retention from high-strength nitrogenous wastewater: Biokinetics and mathematical modeling

    Biochemical Engineering Journal 191 () 108790
  7. Evaluation of Pollution Level, Spatial Distribution, and Ecological Effects of Antimony in Soils of Mining Areas: A Review

    Environmental Research and Public Health () 242
  8. Microaerophilic activated sludge system for ammonia recovery from high-strength nitrogenous wastewater: Performance and microbial communities

  9. Tradeoff evaluation using CO2-eq and hazard index in rice cultivated with organic liquid fertilizer

  10. Exploring the Functions of Efficient Canonical Denitrifying Bacteria as N2O Sinks: Implications from?15N Tracer and Transcriptome Analyses

    Environmental Science & Technology 56-16 () 1169411706