WELCOME MESSAGE / ウェルカムメッセ`ジ

Welcome to our website. Our laboratory is interested in studying the role of microorganisms in its natural habitat focusing mainly on unknown or uncultivable bacteria. To achieve this, we focus on the development of biotechnological methods to ease their manipulation and try to further understand their unique genetic traits via bacterial genetics. In addition, we also drive towards the exploitation of environmental microbes for important and unique genes or metabolic clusters applicable in industry using functional metagenomics. Please refer to our research projects for the current topics we are indulged in.

モリ冩のウェブサイトへようこそ 暴たちの冩梢片では仟?隆揖協h廠裏伏麗の嗤神喘および伏B?叨護?z撒張丱奪グラウンドの尖盾を朕峺し、蛍徨伏麗僥議返隈を児Pとした室g_kを佩っています厚に、メタゲノミクスを喘いてbI順にm喘辛嬬な嶷勣かつユニ`クなz思咾よび旗xクラスタ`のスクリ`ニングにも函りMんでいますd龍のある圭は、冩梢坪否のペ`ジで暴たちがF壓函りMんでいる冩梢プロジェクトを歌孚して和さい

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We renewed the contents of our website. Please stay tuned for more updates.



We had our welcoming BBQ for Qisya! You can see pictures on the MEMBERS page!



A new PhD student, Qisya Izanti, has joined our lab! Welcome to Japan and welcome to Mori Laboratory! All the best!



The new year is starting and everyone at Mori lab will do their best again this year!
