擔杮寢徎惉挿妛夛僫僲峔憿丒僄僺僞僉僔儍儖惉挿暘壢夛 戞2夞拏壔暔敿摫懱寢徎惉挿島墘夛, 2010擭5寧14擔-15擔, 嶰廳戝妛
乮婎挷島墘乯 拏壔暔敿摫懱偺HVPE惉挿亅昞柺斀墳夝愅偐傜寢徎惉挿傊亅
銝銙 柧攲, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈
5寧14擔敪昞, 岥摢.
庰堜 旤婓, 揷搰 弮暯, 塱搰 揙, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 怷壀 恗, 嶳撪 寱, 嵵摗 孾夘, 孎扟 媊捈, 崅揷 榓嵠, 銝銙 柧攲
5寧14擔敪昞, FR04, 億僗僞乕.
r柺sapphire婎斅忋a柺AlN HVPE惉挿弶婜夁掱偵偍偗傞僉儍儕傾僈僗偺塭嬁
揷搰 弮暯, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 崅揷 榓嵠, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
5寧14擔敪昞, FR05, 億僗僞乕.
晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
5寧14擔敪昞, FR25, 億僗僞乕.
楅栘 傂偐傝, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
5寧15擔敪昞, SA07, 億僗僞乕.
壴壀 岾巎, 揷岥 桰壝, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
5寧15擔敪昞, SA19, 億僗僞乕.
僒僼傽僀傾(0001)婎斅忋InN HVPE惉挿偵偍偗傞惉挿弶婜妀惂屼偺岠壥
搶愳 媊峅, 戝抾 斻, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
5寧15擔敪昞, SA24, 億僗僞乕.
2010 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (22nd IPRM), May 31 - Jun. 4, 2010, Takamatsu Symbol Tower, Kagawa, Japan
Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy of AlN at High Temperatures on Freestanding (0001)AlN Substrates
Y. Kumagai, J. Tajima, Y. Kubota, M. Ishizuki, R. Togashi, H. Murakami, T. Nagashima, K. Takada and A. Koukitu
Presentation: Jun. 2, WeB3-3, Oral.
The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2010), May 31 - Jun. 4, 2010, Takamatsu Symbol Tower, Kagawa, Japan
Lattice Constants of AlN in the Range 25-1600°C Investigated by Using a Quasi-Bulk Crystal Grown by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Yoshinao Kumagai, Miki Sakai, Jumpei Tajima, Toru Nagashima, Rie Togashi, Hisashi Murakami, Hitoshi Morioka, Tsutomu Yamauchi, Keisuke Saito, Kazuya Takada and Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Jun. 2, WeC4-3, Oral.
The 3rd International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides (ISGN-3), Jul. 5-7, 2010, Montpellier, France
Tri-halide vapor-phase epitaxy of GaN
Takayoshi Yamane, Hisashi Murakami, Koshi Hanaoka, Yoshinao Kumagai and Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Jul. 5, MoP-11, Poster.
Theoretical study on the influence of surface hydrogen coverage on the initial growth process of AlN(0001) surface
Hikari Suzuki, Hisashi Murakami, Yoshinao Kumagai, Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Jul. 5, MoP-42, Poster.
29th Electronic Materials Symposium (EMS-29), Jul. 14-16, 2010, Laforet Shuzenji, Izu
Effects of growth temperature on the crystal orientation of InN on GaAs(110) by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
Hisashi Murakami, Hyun-Chol Cho, Mayu Suematsu, Yoshinao Kumagai, Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Jul. 14, We1-9, Poster.
Influence of GaN substrate polarity on InN growth by hydride vapor phase epitaxy
R. Togashi, A. Otake, Y. Higashikawa, H. Murakami, Y. Kumagai, A. Koukitu
Presentation: Jul. 14, We1-10, Poster.
Influence of nucleation behavior in the initial growth stage on the HVPE growth of InN on sapphire (0001) substrates
Y. Higashikawa, A. Otake, R. Togashi, H. Murakami, Y. Kumagai, A. Koukitu
Presentation: Jul. 14, We1-11, Poster.
Temperature dependence of the lattice constants of single crystal AlN
M. Sakai, J. Tajima, T. Nagashima, R. Togashi, H. Murakami, H. Morioka, T. Yamauchi, K. Saito, Y. Kumagai, K. Takada, A. Koukitu
Presentation: Jul. 15, Th6-6, Poster.
Carrier Gas Dependence of a-Plane AlN Layer Growth on r-Plane Sapphire Substrates at Initial Stage by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Jumpei Tajima, Chikashi Echizen, Rie Togashi, Hisashi Murakami, Yoshinao Kumagai, Kazuya Takada and Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Jul. 15, Th6-8, Poster.
Hydride vapor-phase epitaxy of GaN using GaCl3
T. Yamane, K. Hanaoka, H. Murakami, Y. Kumagai and A. Koukitu
Presentation: Jul. 16, Fr1-4, Poster.
The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG-16), Aug. 8-13, 2010, Beijing, China
Growth of Semi-Polar InN Layer on GaAs(110) Surface by MOVPE
Hisashi Murakami, Hyun-Chol Cho, Mayu Suematsu, Yoshinao Kumagai, Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Aug. 9, HB3, Oral.
Thermodynamic Analysis on HVPE Growth of InGaN Ternary Alloy
Koshi Hanaoka, Hisashi Murakami, Yoshinao Kumagai, Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Aug. 10, PB051, Poster.
Two-Step Growth of (0001) ZnO Single Crystal Layers on (0001) Sapphire Substrates by Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Rui Masuda, Rie Togashi, Hisashi Murakami, Yoshinao Kumagai, Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Aug. 10, FF4, Oral.
(Invited) Growth of InN Films by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Yoshinao Kumagai, Rie Togashi, Hisashi Murakami, Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Aug. 12, DK1, Oral.
Effect of High NH3 Input Partial Pressure on HVPE of InN on (0001) Sapphire Substrates
Rie Togashi, Aya Otake, Yoshihiro Higashikawa, Hisashi Murakami, Yoshinao Kumagai, Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Aug. 12, DK4, Oral.
戞71夞墳梡暔棟妛夛妛弍島墘夛, 2010擭9寧14擔-17擔, 挿嶈戝妛暥嫵僉儍儞僷僗
嶳崻 婱岲, 壴壀 岾巎, 嬤摗 廏徍, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
9寧14擔敪昞, 14a-A-4, 岥摢.
a柺sapphire婎斅忋c柺AlN HVPE惉挿偵偍偗傞柺撪攝岦惈偺惂屼
揷搰 弮暯, 墇慜 巎, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 崅揷 榓嵠, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
9寧14擔敪昞, 14p-C-13, 岥摢.
娭岥 廋暯, 愇晬 惓惉, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 崅揷 榓嵠, 銝銙 柧攲
9寧14擔敪昞, 14p-C-14, 岥摢.
挅栘 岶梞, 愇晬 惓惉, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 崅揷 榓嵠, 銝銙 柧攲
9寧14擔敪昞, 14p-C-16, 岥摢.
懞忋 彯, 驸 尗揘, 枛徏 恀桭, 晉妦 棟宐, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
9寧14擔敪昞, 14p-NJ-16, 岥摢.
楅栘 傂偐傝, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
9寧16擔敪昞, 16a-C-5, 岥摢.
庰堜 旤婓, 塱搰 揙, 揷搰 弮暯, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 怷壀 恗, 嶳撪 寱, 嵵摗 孾夘, 孎扟 媊捈, 崅揷 榓嵠, 銝銙 柧攲
9寧16擔敪昞, 16a-C-6, 岥摢.
幝捤 弐崕, 憹揷 椲, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
9寧17擔敪昞, 17a-ZJ-6, 岥摢.
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2010 (IWN2010), Sep. 19-24, 2010, Marriott Tampa Waterside Hotel & Marina, Tampa, FL, U.S.A.
First-principle Study on the Effect of Surface Hydrogen Coverage on the Adsorption Process of Ammonia on the InN(0001) Surfaces
Hikari Suzuki, Rie Togashi, Hisashi Murakami, Yoshinao Kumagai and Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Sep. 20, FP1.5, Poster.
Influence of Hydrogen Gas on the Growth of Semi-polar InN
Hyunchol Cho, Mayu Suematsu, Hisashi Murakami, Yoshinao Kumagai, Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Sep. 20, AP1.57, Poster.
Control of in-plane Epitaxial Relationship of c-plane AlN Layers Grown on a-plane Sapphire Substrates by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Jumpei Tajima, Rie Togashi, Hisashi Murakami, Yoshinao Kumagai, Kazuya Takada and Akinori Koukitu
Presentation: Sep. 22, A1.8, Oral.
搶杒戝妛懡尦暔幙壢妛尋媶強 拏壔暔僫僲丒僄儗僋僩儘僯僋僗嵽椏尋媶僙儞僞乕島墘夛, 2010擭11寧4擔-5擔, 搶杒戝妛懡尦暔幙壢妛尋媶強
楅栘 傂偐傝, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
11寧5擔敪昞, P-01, 億僗僞乕.
搶嫗擾岺戝妛丒揹婥捠怣戝妛 戞7夞崌摨僔儞億僕僂儉乽僫僲枹棃嵽椏偲僐僸乕儗儞僩岝壢妛乿, 2010擭12寧11擔, 揹婥捠怣戝妛
僴僀僪儔僀僪婥憡惉挿朄偵傛傞InN 寢徎惉挿
晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
12寧11擔敪昞, 11, 岥摢.
墳梡暔棟妛夛寢徎岺妛暘壢夛2010擭擭枛島墘夛, 2010擭12寧17擔, 妛廗堾憂棫昐廃擭婰擮夛娰
挅栘 岶梞, 愇晬 惓惉, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 崅揷 榓嵠, 銝銙 柧攲
12寧17擔敪昞, 1, 億僗僞乕.
幝捤 弐崕, 憹揷 椲, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
12寧17擔敪昞, 20, 億僗僞乕.
揹巕僕儍乕僫儖戞645夞僥僋僯僇儖僙儈僫乕乽僒僼傽僀傾婎斅偲偦偺墳梡揙掙夝愢乿, 2010擭12寧21擔, 憤昡夛娰, 搶嫗
(Invited) 僒僼傽僀傾婎斅忋傊偺InN丄AlN HVPE惉挿
孎扟 媊捈
12寧21擔敪昞, 岥摢.
7th International Workshop on Bulk Nitride Semiconductors (IWBNS-VII), Mar. 15-20, 2011, Koyasan, Wakayama, Japan
(Invited) Possibility of InGaN HVPE growth with the high growth rate and the wide composition control
A. Koukitu, K. Hanaoka, H. Murakami and Y. Kumagai
Presentation: Mar. 16, S1-1, Oral.
(Invited) Properties of thick freestanding AlN films prepared by hydride vapor phase epitaxy
J. A. Freitas, Jr., J. C. Culbertson, Y. Kumagai, A. Koukitu
Presentation: Mar. 16, S3-1, Oral.
(Invited) Preparation of freestanding AlN substrates by hydride vapor phase epitaxy using hybrid seed substrates
T. Nagashima, A. Hakomori, T. Shimoda, K. Hironaka, Y. Kubota, T. Kinoshita, R. Yamamoto, H. Yanagi, Y. Kumagai, A. Koukitu and K. Takada
Presentation: Mar. 16, S3-2, Oral.
(Invited) Self epitaxial lateral overgrowth of HVPE-AlN layers on 6H-SiC(0001) substrates by the intentional formation of non c-axis oriented AlN grains
H. Murakami, S. Sekiguchi, M. Ishizuki, R. Togashi, K. Takada, Y. Kumagai, A. Koukitu
Presentation: Mar. 16, S3-4, Oral.
(Invited) Measurement of temperature dependent lattice constants of single crystal AlN and various starting substrates for the growth of AlN
R. Togashi, M. Sakai, T. Nagashima, J. Tajima, H. Murakami, H. Morioka, T. Yamauchi, K. Saito, Y. Kumagai, K. Takada, A. Koukitu
Presentation: Mar. 16, S3-5, Oral.
(Invited) Formation of AlN on sapphire surface by high temperature heating in the mixed flow of H2 and N2
Y. Kumagai, T. Igi, M. Ishizuki, R. Togashi, H. Murakami, K. Takada, A. Koukitu
Presentation: Mar. 16. S3-6, Oral.
(Invited) Crack in HVPE grown 2H-AlN films on AlN templates prepared by PA-MBE using AM-MEE
T. Ohachi, N. Yamabe, Y. Yamamoto, H. Murakami, Y. Kumagai, and A. Koukitu
Presentation: Mar. 18, S6-3, Oral.
戞58夞墳梡暔棟妛娭學楢崌島墘夛, 2011擭3寧24擔-27擔, 恄撧愳岺壢戝妛
驸 尗揘, 晉妦 棟宐, 懞忋 彯, 孎扟 媊捈, 銝銙 柧攲
3寧27擔敪昞, 27p-BY-2, 岥摢.