Original papers

  Publication after 2009
Hirose, K.; Kim, S.; Chiba, K. Cyclic Voltammetric Studies on An-odic Cycloaddition Reactions between Electrogenerated Phenoxonium Cations and Al-kenes, Electrochemistry, 2008, 76, 871-873.
Nagano, T.; Mikami, M.; Kim, S.; Chiba, K. Construction of Cycloalkane-based Thermomorphic (CBT) Electrolyte Solution Systems and Application for Anodic Conversion of a Furan Derivative, Electrochemistry, 2008, 76, 874-879.
Kitsunai, M.; Miyajima, K.; Mikami, M.; Kim, S.; Hirasawa, A.; Chiba, K. Phase-separable Aqueous Amide Solutions as a Ther-mal History Indicator, Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 2008, 76,871-873.
Kim, S.; Noda, S.; Hayashi, K.; Chiba, K. An Oxidative Car-bon-Carbon Bond Formation System in Cycloalkane-Based Thermomorphic Multi-Phase Solution, Org. Lett., 2008, 10, 1827-1829.
Kim, S.; Tsuruyama, A.; Ohmori, A.; Chiba, K. Solution-Phase Oli-gosaccharide Synthesis in a Cycloalkane-Based Thermomorphic System, Chem. Comm., 2008, ,1816 - 1818.
Kim, S.; Yamamot, K.; Hayashi, K.; Chiba, K. A cycloal-kane-based thermomorphic system for palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions, Tetrahedron., 2008, 64, 2855-2863.
Nagata, K.; Mizoguchi, T.; Kitsunai, M.; Hirose, K.; Hirasawa, A.; Chiba, K. Cold-triggered/Heat-destroyed Emulsions Composed of Phospholipids and Triacylglycerols as Thermal History Indicators for Cold-Chain Distribution Systems, J. Sci. Food Agric., 2008,88, 1019-1024.
Arata, M.; Miura, T.; Chiba, K. Electrocatalytic Formal [2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions between Anodically Activated Enyloxy Benzene and Alkenes, Org. Lett., 2007, 9, 4347-4350.
Marui, T.; Kajita, S.; Katayama, Y.; Chiba, K. Laser Raman De-tection of an Electrogenerated Intermediate during Anodic Synthesis of Dihydrobenzofu-rans via Formal [3+2] Cycloaddition, Electrochem. Commun., 2007, 9, 1331-1336.
Nishimoto, K.; Kim, S.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M.; Chiba, K. Rate Enhancement of Diels-Alder Reactions in Aqueious Perfluorinated Emulsions, Org. Lett., 2006, 8, 5545-5547.
Hayashi, K.; Kim, S.; Chiba, K. Reversible capture of electrogener-ated intermediates by liquefiable micro-particles containing an amphiphilic tag, Electro-chemistry, 2006, 74, 621-624.
Tanaka, F.; Arata, M.; Hayashi, K.; Kim, S.; Chiba, K. Cycloalkane-based Thermomorphic Electrochemical Reaction System Composed of Ni-trile-solvents, Electrochemistry, 2006, 74, 625-627.
Miura, T.; Kim, S.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M.; Chiba, K. Elec-trochemical Enol Ether-Olefin Cross-Metathesis in a Lithium Perchlorate-Nitromethane Electrolyte Solution, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2006, 45, 1461 - 1463.
Hayashi, K.; Kim, S.; Kono, Y.; Tamura, M.; Chiba, K. Microwave-promoted Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reactions in a cycloalkane-based thermomorphic biphasic system,Tetrahedron Letters , 2006, 47, 171-174.
Chiba, K. A facile glycoside synthesis toward mass production, Bio Industry, 2005, 22, 60-64.
Endo, S.; Takizawa, R.; Okuda, K.; Takada, H.; Chiba, K.; Kanehiro, H.; Ogi, H.; Yamashita, R.; Date, T. Concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in beached resin pellets: Variability among individual particles and regional differences, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2005, 50, 1103-1114.
Kitano, Y.; Nogata, Y.; Matsumura, K.; Yoshimura, E.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M.; Sakaguchi, I. Design and synthesis of anti-barnacle active fluorescence-labeled probe compounds and direct observation of the target region in barnacle cypris larvae for dimethyl-isocyanoalkyl compounds, Tetrahedron, 2005, 61, 9969-9973.
Shimizu, M.; Kim, S.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M.; Chiba, K. An efficient short C-terminal prolyl peptide synthesis by using cycloalkane-based phase-separable organic solution systems, Peptide Science, 2005, 41, 55-656.
Chiba, K.; Kim, S.; Hayashi, K.; Shimizu, M.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M. Cycloalkane-based phase-separable liquid-phase peptide synthesis, Peptide Science, 2005, 41, 137-140.
Yoshida, Y.; Kim, S.; Chiba, K.; Kawai, S.; Tachikawa, H.; Takahashi, N. Calcineurin inhibitors block dorsal-side signaling that affect late-stage development of the heart, kidney, liver, gut and somitic tissue during Xenopus embryogenesis, Development, Growth & Differentiation, 2004, 46, 139-152.
Kitano, Y.; Nogata, Y.; Shinshima, K.; Yoshimura, E.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M.; Sakaguchi, I. Synthesis and anti-barnacle activities of novel isocyanocyclohexane compounds containing an ester or an ether functional group, Biofouling, 2004, 20, 93-100.
Nogata, Y.; Kitano, Y.; Yoshimura, E.; Shinshima, K.; Sakaguchi, I. Antifouling activity of simple synthetic isocyanides against larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite, Biofouling, 2004, 20, 87-91.
Hu, W.; Kitano, Y.; Hasumi, K. SMTP-4D, -5D, -6D, -7D and -8D, a new series of the non-lysine-analog plasminogen modulators with a D-amino acid moiety, Journal of Antibiotics, 2003, 56, 832-837.
Nogata, Y.; Yoshimura, E.; Shinshima, K.; Kitano, Y.; Sakaguchi, I. Antifouling substances against larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite from the marine sponge, Acanthella cavernosa, Biofouling, 2003, 19, 193-196.
Kitano, Y.; Yokoyama, A.; Nogata, Y.; Shinshima, K.; Yoshimura, E.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M.; Sakaguchi, I. Synthesis and anti-barnacle activities of novel 3-isocyanotheonellin analogues, Biofouling, 2003, 19, 187-192.
Kitano, Y.; Ito, Toshihiro; Suzuki, T.; Nogata, Y.; Shinshima, K.; Yoshimura, E.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M.; Sakaguchi, I. Synthesis and antifouling activity of 3-isocyanotheonellin and its analogues, Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 2002, 20, 2251-2255.
Kim, S.; Hayashi, K.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M.; Chiba, K. Anodic Modification of Proline Derivatives Using a Lithium Perchlorate/Nitromethane Electrolyte Solution, Organic Letters, 2002, 4, 3735-3737.
Chiba, K.; Kono, Y.; Kim, S.; Nishimoto, K.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M. A liquid-phase peptide synthesis in cyclohexane-based biphasic thermomorphic systems, Chemical Communications, 2002, 16, 1766-1767.
Chiba, K.; Miura, T.; Kim, S.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M. Electrocatalytic Intermolecular Olefin Cross-Coupling by Anodically Induced Formal [2+2] Cycloaddition between Enol Ethers and Alkenes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2001, 123, 11314-11315.
Chiba, K.; Uchiyama, R.; Kim, S.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M. Benzylic Intermolecular Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation by Selective Anodic Oxidation of Dithioacetals, Organic Letters, 2001, 3, 1245-1248.
Kitano, Y.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M. Highly efficient conversion of alcohols to isocyanides, Synthesis, 2001, 3, 437-443.
Chiba, K.; Kono, Y.; Kitayama, M.; Uchiyama, R.; Kim, S.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M. A perfluorinated micellar reaction system in lithium perchlorate/acetonitrile; enhanced efficiency in anodic electron-transfer and intermolecular cycloaddition, Electrochemistry Communications, 2001, 3, 63-66.
Tada, M.; Nishiiri, S.; Zhixiang, Y.; Imai, Y.; Tajima, S.; Okazaki, N.; Kitano, Y.; Chiba, K. Synthesis of (+)- and (-)-ferruginol via asymmetric cyclization of a polyene, Perkin 1, 2000, 16, 2657-2664.
Tada, M. Biological activities of antioxidants from herbs in Labiatae, Foods & Food Ingredients Journal of Japan, 2000, 184, 33-39.
Chiba, K.; Fukuda, M.; Kim, S.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M. Dihydrobenzofuran synthesis by an anodic [3+2]-cycloaddition of phenols and unactivated alkenes, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1999, 64, 7654-7656.
Jinno, M.; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M.; Chiba, K. Electrochemical Generation and Reaction of o-Quinodimethanes from {[[ 2-(2,2-Dibutyl-2-stannahexyl)phenyl]methyl]thio }benzenes, Organic Letters, 1999, 1, 435-437.
Chiba, K.; Hirano, Tetsuya; Kitano, Y.; Tada, M. Montmorillonite-mediated hetero-Diels-Alder reaction of alkenes and o-quinomethanes generated in situ by dehydration of o-hydroxybenzyl alcohols, Chemical Communications, 1999, 8, 691-692.
Kitano, Y.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M. A direct conversion of alkenes to isocyanides, Synlett, 1999, 3, 288-290.
Chiba, K.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Tada, M. Synthesis of chromans by photosensitized electrochemical oxidation of sulfides mediated by methylene blue, Tetrahedron Letters, 1998, 39, 9035-9038.
Tada, M.; Inoue, S.; Miki, T.; Onogi, S.; Kaminaga, J.; Hiraoka, J.; Kitano, Y.; Chiba, K. Enantioselective total synthesis of (+)-isoboonein, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1998, 46, 1451-1453.
Chiba, K.; Arakawa, T.; Tada, M. Electrochemical synthesis of euglobal-G1, -G2, -G3, -G4, -T1 and -Iic, Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry, 1998, 17, 2939-2942.
Chiba, K.; Jinno, M.; Kuramoto, R.; Tada, M. Stereoselective Diels-Alder reaction of electrogenerated quinones on a PTFE-fiber coated electrode in lithium perchlorate/nitromethane, , Tetrahedron Letters, 1998, 39, 5527-5530.
Kitano, Y.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M. A direct conversion of alcohols to isocyanides, Tetrahedron Letters, 1998, 39, 1911-1912.
Chiba, K.; Jinno, M.; Nozaki, A.; Tada, M. Accelerated Diels-Alder reaction of quinones generated in situ by a modified electrode in an aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate micellar system, Chemical Communications, 1997, 15, 1403-1404.
Tada, M.; Hara, T.; Hara, C.; Chiba, K. A quinone methide from Salvia officinalis, Phytochemistry, 1997, 45, 1475-1477.
Tada, M.; Matsumoto, R.; Chiba, K. An oxidative metabolite of perillaldehyde from Perilla frutescens, Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, 803-804.
Chiba, K.; Tada, M. Electrochemical generation and cycloaddition reaction of unstable intermediates in hydrophobic fields, Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi, 1996, 54, 686-695.
Chiba, K.; Arakawa, T.; Tada, M. Synthesis of euglobal-G3 and -G4, Chemical Communications, 1996, 15, 1763-1764.
Tada, M.; Matsumoto, R.; Yamaguchi, H.; Chiba, K. Novel antioxidants isolated from Perilla frutescens Britton var. crispa (Thunb.), Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 1996, 60, 1093-1095.
Chiba, K.; Sonoyama, J.; Tada, M. Electrochemical synthesis of chroman and euglobal skeletons via cycloaddition reaction of o-quinone methides and alkenes, Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry, 1996, 12, 1435-1443.
Asano, J.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M.; Yoshi, T. Antiviral activity of lignans and their glycosides from Justicia procumbens, Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 713-717.
Kitano, Y.; Fududa, J.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M. Formal total synthesis of trichodiene via skeletal rearrangement of regioselective photochemical [2+2] cycloadducts from cyclohexene derivatives, Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry, 1996, 8, 829-35.
Asano, J.; Chiba, K.; Tada, M.; Yoshii, T. Cytotoxic xanthones from Garcinia hanburyi, Phytochemistry, 1996, 41, 815-20.
Okada,Y.; Akaba,R.; Chiba,K.
EC-backward-E Electrochemistry Sup-ported by an Alkoxyphenyl Group,
Tetrahedron Letters
, 2009, 50, 5413-5416.
Kim, S.; Chiba, K.
Solution-Phase Chemical Processes Featuring Facile Mul-ti-Step Reactions,
Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 2009, 67, 809-819.
Iijima, M.; Mikami, Y.; Yoshioka, T.; Kim, S.; Kamiya, H.; Chiba, K.
Rapid Magnetic Catch-and-Release Purification by Hydrophobic Interactions,
Langmuir, 2009, 25, 11043-11047.

Publication after 2009


千葉一裕 , 十字路「電解酸化」,有機合成化学協会誌、54(8), 712, 1996.
Chiba K.; Electrochemical Synthesis of Euglobal Skeletons via Biomimic Cycloaddition, Novel Trends in Electroorganic Synthesis, ed, S. Torii, Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 1998, p. 25-9.
Chiba K.; Kim S.; Tada M.; Diels-Alder Reaction of in situ generated Quinones on a Lithium Perchlorate / Polyethyleneglycol Modified Electrode, Novel Trends in Electroorganic Synthesis, ed, S. Torii, Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 1998, p.177-8.
千葉一裕、フェノール性化合物の抗酸化活性と電気化学的評価、油化学、743-751, 1998.
千葉一裕(特集企画)有機合成における電解反応の新手法,電気化学および工業物理化学 (Electrochemistry)、67(8), p. 862- 874, 1999.
Moeller, Kevin D.; Liu, Bin; Reddy, S. Hari Krishna; Sun, Haizhou; Sun, Yongmao; Sutterer, Angela; Chiba, Kazuhiro. Anodic electrochemistry: studies toward the effective use of radical cations in synthesis. Reactive Intermediates in Organic and Biological Electrochemistry (2001), 2001-14, 65-68.
Chiba, Kazuhiro; Kono, Yusuke; Kim, Shokaku; Kitano, Yoshikazu; Tada, Masahiro. Electrosynthesis using new biphasic organic reaction system with mutual miscibility. Organic Electrochemistry (2002), 2002-10, 9-12.
千葉一裕 熱特性を利用した有機溶媒液/液二相系による反応-分離法、日本農薬学会誌 28, 257-263 (2003).
T. Suzuki, K. Hayashi, Y. Kitano, M. Tada and K. Chiba Electrolytic Cyclization of Dipeptides Involving Proline-Moiety For Construction of Conformation-Constrained Peptidomimetics, Mechanistic and Synthetic Aspects of Organic and Biological Electrochemistry, Ed. D.G. Peters, J. Simonet, and H. Tanaka, Electrochemical Society, Pennington, Newjersey, USA, 2003, 113-116.
千葉一裕 相溶性二相有機電解合成 「有機電解合成の新展開」  II編 10章 シーエムシー出版 2004年、p. 203-215.
千葉一裕、淵上寿雄 特殊電極材料による有機電解合成 「有機電解合成の新展開」  II編 16章 シーエムシー出版 2004年、p. 281-292.
Kazuhiro Chiba, New methodologies for the synthesis of oligo-peptides and conformation-constrained peptidomimetics Nutraceutical Proteins and Peptides in Health and Disease, Taylor & Francis, London and New York, Ed. Y. Mine and F. Shahidi, 2005, 603-618.
Chiba, Kazuhiro; Suzuki, Tomoyuki; Tanaka, Fumiyoshi; Kitano, Yoshikazu; Tada, Masahiro. “Anodic modification of proline residues of peptides using a lithium perchlorate/nitromethane electrolyte solution”, 2004(2004-10), Analytical, Mechanistic, and Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry, 153-156.
Chiba, Kazuhiro; A facile glycoside synthesis toward mass production. Bio Industry (2005), 22(11), 60-64. Publisher: Shi Emu Shi Shuppan.
Shimizu, Masayoshi; Kim, Shokaku; Kitano, Yoshikazu; Tada, Masahiro; Chiba, Kazuhiro. An efficient short C-terminal prolyl peptide synthesis by using cycloalkane-based phase-separable organic solution systems, Peptide Science (2005), Volume Date 2004, 41st, 655-656.
Chiba, Kazuhiro; Kim, Shokaku; Hayashi, Kanako; Shimizu, Masayoshi; Kitano, Yoshikazu; Tada, Masahiro. Cycloalkane-based phase-separable liquid-phase peptide synthesis. Peptide Science (2005), Volume Date 2004, 41st, 137-140.
千葉一裕, シクロアルカン可溶化疎水性タグを用いた化学プロセスの効率化, 化学工 業  (特集)コンビナトリアルケミストリーの新展開, 2007年4月号 (VOL.58) No.4, 281-287.
高橋信弘、藤山沙理、千葉一裕、アフィニティー解析法、分子間相互作用解析ハンドブック -タン パク質とタンパク質?核酸?糖?低分子間のネットワーク解析、p.45-52, 編集 磯辺俊明、中山敬一、伊藤隆司、羊土社, 2007.
A.Tsuruyama, K.Abe, T.Higashiguchi, T.Yoshioka, K.Chiba, Development of Solution-Phase Peptide Synthesis Protocol toward Automatic Synthesizer by Using Precipitation Method, Peptide Science, 2007, S.Aimoto and S. Ono (Eds.), The Japanese Peptide Society, pp 43-44.
K. Abe, A. Tsuruyama, T. Higashiguchi, K. Chiba, Development of an Automatic Solution Phase Peptide Synthesizer, Peptide Science, 2007, S. Aimoto and S. Ono (Eds.), The Japanese Peptide Society, pp 183-184.
T. Yoshioka, S. Yamamoto, M. Shimizu, S. Kim, K. Chiba, One-Pod Solution-Phase Peptide Synthesis Using Less-Polar Platforms, Peptide Science, 2007, S.Aimoto and S. Ono (Eds.), The Japanese Peptide Society, pp 193-194.
K. Yamamoto, M. Sugihara, S. Kim, K. Chiba, Synthesis of Various Proline Derivatives Using Organic Electrochemical Methods, Peptide Science, 2007, S. Aimoto and S. Ono (Eds.), The Japanese Peptide Society, pp 195-196.
千葉一裕、「食品流通の安全を監視する温度履歴センサーシール」、食品と技術, 2008, (12) , pp 10-17.

Publication after 2009

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