Open Recruitment?Scholarships?Tuition Fee Exemption

2023 Financial Support for Attending the International Conference

Place of Submission

Please submit the application documents to e-mail address below.


Submission Deadline January 20, 2023 (Friday)



The registration for Scholarships by Private Foundations


?From April 3? (Wednesday)? to? April 19 (Friday)? ? Closed ? ? ?


Tuition Fee Exemption

Tuition Fee Exemption (2024 Fall semester)

?Application information


※Japanease only. Please download Application guideline from this page

From the first semester of the academic year 2024, the "Online Application Assistance System" has been introduced. As a result, you will be able to choose between the following two application methods.

1. Online Application Assistance System (available for entry from 21 August)

 Please go to the "Online Application Assistance System", complete the initial registration, and then enter the necessary information.

 After entering the required information, please print out the documents required for the application, affix your name and seal to them, and submit them together with the various certification documents during the apprication period.

Supported devices and browsers

win / Chrome
mac / Safari

Smartphone - iOS
Version:iOS13, iOS12
Browser: Safari

Smartphone - android
Version: Android 9, Android 8
Browser: Chrome

2. Application by downloading the application form

 Please download the application form below, print out the necessary documents attached to the application form, put your name and seal on it, and submit it together with the various certificates during the application period.

(This is the same as the conventional tuition fee exemption.)



◎【Current Students】
? ? ??September 12 & 13, 2024
??? 9:30~11:30、13:30~15:30
??? Room 107 on 1st floor of United graduate school building

 ※Student at Ibaraki,Utsunomiya Universiteis can submit documents to appropriate section at each university by september 13, 2024.

? ※ If you send application documents by post-mail, plase send by 11 September with recorded delivery "kan i kakitome"

 ※Please submit below check list with application documents

◎【New students】
?????September 5, 2024

※Please submit below check list with application documents


Additional Form

???????? (Students who are repearting a year should submit this form)
