Faculty of Engineering (Undergraduate) Admission Policy

The Faculty of Engineering produces a diverse group of exceptional individuals with broad perspectives and specialized knowledge by providing systematic education in fundamental subjects relating to engineering technology and implementing specialized education corresponding to the characteristics of each department. The Faculty of Engineering seeks individuals who are motivated to boldly tackle the problems their departments are examining, have the fundamental academic abilities the specializations they will be pursuing require, and meet the following requirements:

  1. Individuals who are curious about the realities of nature, have manufacturing-oriented mindsets, are interested in engineering technology, and are motivated to use the knowledge they obtain to contribute to creating a more sustainable society.
  2. Individuals capable of thinking about the various problems facing humanity from different angles, summarizing their ideas, and clearly expressing these ideas to others in Japanese.
  3. Individuals who have fundamental textbook-level knowledge of the primary disciplines and subjects taught at the high school level and have sufficient knowledge and skills in math, science and English obtained through practical, experience-based learning.

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Department of Biotechnology and Life Science

  1. The objective of the Department of Biotechnology and Life Science is to produce individuals equipped with cutting-edge technological skills, logical reasoning skills, and international scientific and technological communication skills that can actively adapt and respond to the needs of any biotechnology-related field. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals with a strong interest in the forefront of the fields of biotechnology and life science who are motivated to produce results while responding to the needs of society as researchers and technical experts.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in biology, chemistry, physics and other scientific subjects, as well as in fundamental subjects such as math, English and Japanese.

Department of Applied Chemistry

  1. The objective of the Department of Applied Chemistry is to produce individuals capable of solving problems and making progress relating to nature, life, the environment and energy by understanding, controlling and applying these phenomena on the atomic and molecular levels, and who have the fundamental knowledge and creativity to produce results at the cutting edge of chemistry. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals interested in nature, life, the environment, and energy and who are motivated to solve problems and make progress in these areas using cutting-edge chemistry.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in chemistry, physics and other scientific subjects, as well as in fundamental subjects such as math, English and Japanese.

Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry

  1. The objective of the Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry is to provide a curriculum that promotes an understanding of the essence of the organic and polymer materials supporting modern society through comprehensive instruction in chemistry as well as in the fundamentals of physics, and to provide the foundational knowledge required for passing on organic materials science and technology to the future and the development skills that will enable graduates to use the knowledge, technology and reasoning skills they obtain to create and develop highly functional materials while taking environmental impact and safety into consideration. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals with a broad interest in chemistry and material science that encompasses everything from plastics, fibers and other materials of daily life to highly functional cutting-edge materials, and who are motivated to produce results as researchers and engineers capable of creating and developing a variety of organic and polymeric materials.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in chemistry, physics and other scientific subjects, as well as in fundamental subjects such as math, English and Japanese.

Department of Chemical Engineering

  1. The objective of the Department of Chemical Engineering is to produce chemical engineers who have a broad range of knowledge from the fundamentals of chemical engineering to specialized knowledge; are capable of creating new chemical systems relating to, for example, the Earth, the environment, energy, new materials, life, information and social systems; and are capable of producing results with an international perspective. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals interested in the Earth, the environment, energy, new materials, life, information and social systems, and who are motivated to create new chemical systems and produce results as chemical engineers with international perspectives.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in chemistry, physics and other scientific subjects as well as in fundamental subjects such as math, English and Japanese.

Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering

  1. The Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering builds comprehensive knowledge of the foundations of mechanical engineering on a framework of math and physics. The objective of the Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering is to produce researchers and engineers with intellectual curiosity, insight, creativity, awareness and respect for society—as well as ethics, language skills and international perspectives—who will create ideal mechanical systems that are in harmony with the environment and meet the demands of our time. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals with broad interests in mechanical engineering who are motivated to create ideal mechanical systems that meet the demands of the time.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in physics and other scientific subjects, as well as in fundamental subjects such as math, English and Japanese.

Department of Applied Physics

  1. The objective of the Department of Applied Physics is to produce individuals who have systematically studied the foundations of physics, mastered its basic principles, and developed logical reasoning skills, who are thereby capable of discovering and analyzing problems related to diversified and complicated engineering issues from a physics perspective and using physics methods, and have the skills to put the solutions they come up with into practice. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals with broad interests in physics who are motivated to discover and analyze problems related to engineering issues from a physics perspective, using physics methods and putting the solutions that they come up with into practice.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in physics and other scientific subjects, as well as in fundamental subjects such as math, English and Japanese.

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

  1. The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering is engaged in the education and research necessary to build leading-edge system electronics based on the creation of new components and materials, and the creation of electronic information communication technology for connecting humans, the environment and machines. The objective of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering is to produce individuals capable of supporting the foundational technology of the field of electrical and electronic engineering, which is essential for the sustainable development of modern society, and of making global contributions to the development of industrial technology. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals interested in the field of electrical and electronic engineering such as building leading-edge system electronics and electronic information communication technology, and motivated to make global contributions to the development of industrial technology.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in physics and other scientific subjects, as well as in fundamental subjects such as math, English and Japanese.

Department of Computer and Information Sciences

  1. The Department of Computer and Information Sciences pursues three types of creation: the experience of creation through experimentation and seminars, the creation of new information systems, and the creation of finished products and the pride and joy that accompanies it. In accordance with this principle, the objective of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences is to produce individuals who understand everything from the principles of computer operation to the implementation of state-of-the-art technology and are capable of producing pioneering results as researchers and engineers. The department seeks individuals who will work earnestly according to a curriculum designed to achieve this objective, and who meet the following requirements:
  2. Individuals interested in computer and information sciences and the creation of new information systems that are motivated to produce pioneering results as researchers and engineers of leading-edge technology.
  3. Individuals who have sufficient academic abilities in physics and other scientific subjects, as well as in fundamental subjects such as math, English and Japanese.
